Vacuum Challenges: Long Hair Tackled with Expert Tips

Long hair can prove to be a persistent issue for many vacuum cleaners, leading to decreased performance and increased maintenance needs. The solution? Hair Removal Vacuum Cleaners. Specifically designed to tackle this hairy problem, these devices have transformed the game, ensuring your vacuum’s longevity and efficiency.

Solving the Challenge of Long Hair in Vacuum Cleaners

Selecting a vacuum specifically designed for long hair can significantly reduce maintenance. They use advanced technology to effectively lift and remove hair without damaging the machine. These vacuums significantly limit the time spent on maintenance, while also boosting overall performance. Hence, they offer an efficient and sustainable solution to the long-standing problem of hair entanglement in vacuum cleaners.

How to prevent vacuum clogs from long hair

First, the free option

  1. Hair Care Location: Brush or comb your hair often and thoroughly, confining this activity to a specific area of the house. For added convenience, choose an uncarpeted space.
  2. Floor Maintenance: Sweep, Swiffer, or vacuum the designated area after each hair care session. If using a vacuum, avoid the brush roller to prevent transferring hair strands to carpeted areas. Certain vacuums, like those in our best vacuum cleaner for laminate floors guide, are also effective on laminate floors, which require special care.
  3. Hair Containment Techniques: Utilize ponytails or braids to temporarily contain hair shedding. Note that using these styles may result in more noticeable shed hair in the shower, but it’s a visual accumulation rather than unnoticed individual hairs slipping away.
  4. Caution on Tight Styles: While using tight ponytails may seem effective, be cautious as it can lead to traction alopecia, a condition involving hair loss due to repeated pulling. Be mindful of changes in your hair care routine and their potential impact.

Small investment option

Consider purchasing a rubber rake, though its effectiveness relies on your commitment to actually using it. The pre-raking process may feel like choosing between two undesirable chores—raking the floor before vacuuming or disassembling the vacuum. Let’s face it, none of these solutions are magical. At, we steer clear of snake oil and false promises. Incorporating a small task into your routine, whether it’s brushing your hair in a designated area and cleaning up shed hairs, tying your hair back, or using a rubber rake, is simply part of the ‘Responsibility of having long hair,’ as our parents would sternly remind us. In smaller spaces, choosing a compact vacuum that can handle long hair is crucial.

How to remove long hair from your vacuum as part of regular maintenance

If the beater bar or brush bar of your vacuum is obstructed with long hair, it cannot effectively perform its function. The purpose of the beater brush is to separate and agitate carpet strands, propelling bits of dirt and debris toward the vacuum’s suction power. If two-thirds of the bristles are blocked by hair, its performance will be compromised, rendering your efforts on the carpet less effective. Although you may be getting some exercise, running the appliance over the carpeting is not as productive as it could be.

Depending on your vacuum model, you will require a screwdriver and either a box cutter or seam ripper. (Heather mentions that she has thick hair and suggests a seam ripper might elicit a playful response like, “Stop it, that tickles.”)

The box cutter featured in the image is Heather’s preferred choice due to its reasonable price, foldable design, and comfortable handling, making it suitable for longer tasks, such as cleaning the vacuum’s beater bar.

For ease of cleanup, consider removing the hair from your vacuum outdoors or over an old sheet or section of newspaper. Regardless of your chosen location, remember to unplug your vacuum and position it comfortably on the ground.

Utilize the screwdriver to remove the vacuum’s bottom plate, although this may not be possible with all models. If your model doesn’t allow for plate removal, do the best you can.

Your most important task is to figure out where the belt is.

The vacuum belt is responsible for spinning the brush, and if you accidentally damage or cut this component, the belt will fail, rendering your vacuum temporarily inoperable until a replacement is installed. Although most vacuums still allow you to use the hose attachment in such situations, caution is advised.

To address this issue, use a box cutter or seam ripper to carefully trim the hair from the roller. Make sure to cut away from yourself and the belt, holding the roller bar behind the box cutter to minimize the risk of accidents. is not liable for any mishaps. When removing hair from the brush, be cautious not to cut off the bristles from the bar. You should be able to slide the blade between the rows of bristles to effectively remove the hair.

Anyone Who Owns a Vacuum Needs This Simple $5 Tool

Maintaining your cleaning tools may sound a bit meta, but it plays a crucial role in ensuring the seamless flow of your homemaking routine. Consider the scenario where your enthusiasm for bathroom cleaning comes to a sudden halt because you’ve run out of your preferred tub and tile cleaner. Similarly, the excitement of tackling the living room diminishes when you realize that your usually reliable vacuum is struggling to pick up dirt and has become a haven for tangled hair.

In such situations, a handy $5 tool, smaller than an average pen—the seam ripper—comes to the rescue for vacuum maintenance. If you happen to find satisfaction in clearing hairballs from drains, this task might even bring some enjoyment to your cleaning routine.

How it Works

When a vacuum cleaner’s roller brush is not effectively picking up debris or ceases to roll altogether, the common culprit is often a tangled mess of hair strands wrapped around the brush. This issue is easily identifiable as you’ll observe layers of hair entwined around the roller, sometimes reaching the depth of the brush bristles.

Attempting to unwind the hair is futile, and using scissors can be cumbersome and pose a safety hazard. However, a seam ripper, similar to the ones used by tailors and seamstresses, is the perfect tool for the job. It skillfully cuts through the hair, enabling you to effortlessly remove it from the brush, along with any dust and dirt that may have become entangled.

How to Remove Hair from Your Vacuum Roller Brush with a Seam Ripper

It’s really simple once you have this affordable tool in hand.

First, disconnect your vacuum cleaner and have a trash bin nearby. If you have dust allergies, consider wearing a mask.

If possible, remove the roller brush and hold it securely in your lap. If not, position the vacuum cleaner to allow a secure grip on the roller brush.

Hold the brush firmly and use a seam ripper to cut through the hair, moving away from your body, section by section. Ensure you cut through all layers, using the seam ripper multiple times if needed, until reaching the roller.

Grab one cut end of the hair and pull to remove it from the brush, discarding the clumps of dirt and hair into the trash.


In conclusion, hair removal vacuum cleaners play a crucial role in maintaining the cleanliness of your home, especially for those with long hair. Regular maintenance of the vacuum cleaner, particularly removing entangled long hair from its beater bar, ensures its functionality and longevity. Tools like a box cutter or a seam ripper are incredibly handy for this task. For more comprehensive insights, refer to our detailed vacuum cleaner home cleaning guide.

Kenneth Cutler

Kenneth Cutler is the founder and head editor at Clean My World. Based in California, he has been writing about home cleaning and cleaning appliances for quite some time and various major brands such as Miss Mill Mag and Lifestyle Magazine. Over the years, Kenneth Cutler has reviewed thousands of vacuum cleaners and other related home appliances and products. This enabled him to develop a unique insight into what makes a good vacuum cleaner. He keeps an eye on the market trends and USA regulations. Apart from talking about cleaning stuff, he likes to play music and enjoys live concerts.

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